Monday, July 18, 2011

a woman wears her tears like jewelry

I just cried in the bathroom at work. A rough day, I suppose. Lately I have been having rough days more often. Maybe the sadness and emptiness isn’t as gone as I thought it was. The baby would be 19 weeks tomorrow. I would know if it was a boy or girl- though I am almost certain it was a boy. I would buy a new outfit to celebrate. We would surprise our parents with the news and go straight to home depot to buy room colors. Instead I will sit in the rocking chair a pray for my baby. Pray that he is happy. Pray that he can look down on my crying over him and be assured how much I love him, that I miss him, that I wish he was here with me. I hope he knows. I wonder when I’ll stop crying. I remember two days after we lost him, a friend who I didn’t talk to often told me congratulations. I cried so hard I couldn’t breathe. I woke the next morning with puffy eyes and the heaviest heart. After that I cried every day, but then one day it slowed down. And now here I am, bawling in the bathroom stall wishing I could just be okay for a minute. Someday, I am sure of it. My friends tell me to give it time, its only been 2 months. But I still have this feeling that its been too long- that I should be better now. I suppose it’s the not knowing how to grieve part that makes it difficult. Someday I’ll figure it out. Until then, I’ll just invest in waterproof mascara.


  1. My heart just aches for you sweet friend. Praying for you.

  2. Ugh it hurts my heart to hear these words. I had a friend lose her baby and when she told me how hard it was I still didn't get it. This helps me understand more. I am so sorry.
