Monday, September 12, 2011

a cry for help

Hi all. I’m here for a plea for help. Remember that one post I wrote about the hilarity (sarcasm, of course) of gaining all this weight? Welp, I went to the dr. again and by some awful turn of events I have gained even more weight. Its just lovely. So I am here asking you- what do I do?! What works for you?! Paul and I can try for a baby next month and I want to be in better shape. I understand bodies change- but I need to figure out something that works for me to get myself back. I am ready to feel like myself again, and this weight gain is having the opposite effect. Help?


  1. Not that I think you need it because you are BEAUTIFUL!!!! But because you are asking... weight watchers always worked for me! :) When I actually stuck to it!

  2. I'm a health coach for a program that helps people lose weight really easily and quickly (and is totally healthy and safe as well). You can't be on it if you're pregnant, but maybe it could help get you to where you want to be before then! Feel free to e-mail me if you want to know more info about it - :)

  3. i asked my dad did when he went to the doctor..he followed a diet and didn't even work out and lost tons of weight. I adjusted it a bit because he was much larger than i when i wanted to do this...i struggled sticking to it...but when i did it and worked out i lost like is the meal list! breakey - 1 cup kashi go lean 1.2cup non fat milk,
    lunch substitute. protein needs to be 10% of the calories..(couldn't handel bars with that much so i got the special k meal bars (white chocolate with strawberries - the closest i found to being protein to cal.)
    Dinner - meat size of deck of cards and veggies
    dessert - lowfat cottage cheese with fruit or lowfat yogurt.
    no pasta or bread or potato - low on cheese fruit and no juice or soda. fruit is major source of fat. I ALWays had the lowfat yogurt and almonds any time i got hungry. It REALLY worked and you are still eating and loosing (ps i would have wheat bread..)

  4. Hey Lindsay,

    I found your blog through someone else's blog. I haven't chatted with you since HS and I really hope you are doing well. I had a pretty sedentary lifestyle the last 1.5 years as I had a really bad knee injury that prevented me from working out = me depressed. Plus, I moved to the desert. Super sad.

    The best thing is to eat healthy. I personally make a smoothie for breakfast - I really like one I found on pinterest (an oatmeal smoothie - high in fiber and super filling), salad with 1/4 avocado for lunch with strawberries or carrots (negative calorie foods) - EVOO for dressing. Dinner, I have brown rice, legumes, a small amount of protein and loads of vegetables. I no longer crave sweets, bread or cheese. I also do not drink milk, but instead, I drink almond milk with a good amount of protein and calcium. I am doing the couch to 10k app on my phone. It's amazing and I've already lost gone down one pant size in the last 2 weeks. I alternate my running intervals with spinning and pilates. I feel so great and healthy.

    Oh and I snack on celery and carrots like crazy. Having fresh produce available in snack size bags makes it really easy to grab on the go instead of a granola bar that is probably loaded with preservatives and sugar. Drink LOTS of water. That will fill you up too.

    Good luck to you! I know how much of a struggle it is to get motivated to get back in to shape. You can do it!!
