Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday lovin': Best dream ever

Last night I had the craziest dream.
I was at home (but a cooler home than my own) and there were mirrors everywhere. My mom was there, and so was my husband and two sisters. In the whole dream I was so afraid because there was this ghost that was following me everywhere. I had this feeling that I was being followed, and every time I passed a mirror I would look into it and see this sad woman in a flowy dress right behind me. She was always looking directly at me- just looking at me with sad eyes and following my everywhere I went.

One day- I started to get super freaked out and told my mom to go tell her to leave me alone. My extremely brave mom marched upstairs to tell this woman to leave her daughter alone and follow someone else. But when my mom came downstairs she was crying and holding all this rolled up pieces of paper- old looking ones, like old school book paper from my grandma’s age. She gave the scrolls to me and cried and told me how much this ghost woman loved me. She said she followed me everywhere because she loved me so much and felt so sad for me- she wanted me to know she cared.

The reason she loved me so much was because decades ago she had lost a baby- she didn’t want me to feel alone so she stayed by me. Only after my mom asked why she was around did she tell her story. All the folded papers were letters she had written me to tell me about her life, her story, and her baby. She stayed close to me so I wouldn’t feel lonely without my sweet baby.

The best part- on the last rolled up letter I opened up it simply said-

I am so sorry you lost your son.

That part was surreal to me because I am only guessing it was a boy- based on nothing but gut feeling. It was pretty cool to see that in my dream.
That was a real dream. I woke up feeling loved. Like God had sent that dream to comfort my heart. I am so thankful, too, because I really needed it right about now. Apparently He knew that… funny how that works.
I’ll put up some pretty pictures and update y’all about camp this evening!! It was amazing and I can’t wait to share with you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a really amazing dream. Glad God could comfort you with that!
