Sunday, August 7, 2011

New developments

Hey friends- sorry it has been a bit since I wrote last. I suppose it has been a little more difficult lately- because at least with the miscarriage I started writing after everything had happened. Right now- I am kinda stuck in the thick of it.

While I was at Malibu, the miscarriage kinda went through a repeat. It was not fun. I will spare the details, other than the fact that I thought it was all over, and was not. You see, I have been getting my blood drawn every two weeks since May to make sure my pregnancy hormone levels were dropping steadily. Lately, they have been at somewhat of a standstill and things have been going slowly. So at Malibu- it came to rest. I am so thankful that my wonderful friend Olivia was just a room away and was able to come to my rescue more than once. When I got home from Canada I went to the doctor just to make sure all was well, and found that apparently an ER visit should have happened, but I seem to have made it alright. Well- they took my blood and it is official- I am no longer pregnant. I guess on the upside we can try again sooner than later. Yet, hearing those words were not as comforting as I would have imagined. Its as if the last 2 1/2 months dragged on for far too long- like things couldn't just come to a close. What is God teaching me in that? Patience? I bet. Trust? Most likely. Faith? I would assume. While at camp I was reminded of something- God didn't make this happen. I would bet he was crying along with me most nights, wishing he could help. Maybe he covered me with a blanket like in "Broken Heart." I am certain He was feeling my pain right along with me since April. And I love him for that.

I also feel super blessed tonight because 4 girls whom I love dearly gave me such a gift tonight. Anna, Grace, Kendall, and Haley gave me the gift of knowing my heart. They took such time and effort in putting together a basket of lovely gifts to comfort me in all this hurt- and they did such an amazing job. I feel so blessed to have spent last week getting to know these awesome senior girls and can't wait to see what this year, and their future, holds for them. Love you ladies!

Thanks for listening.

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